September 2022: Tapas (Discipline) – Bakasana – Crow Pose

Happy September 15, 2022 – Bakasana – Crow Pose

Good morning Yogis! We are continuing our cycle through the Yoga Sutras and representative Asanas with the third of the NiyamasTapas or Discipline and Bakasana.

Since we are in the middle of a September Asana Challenge, we are featuring a new Asana that represents each of the Yoga Sutras! Bakasana (Bah-KAH-sa-nuh) or Crow pose is my choice to represent Tapas. This is a challenging pose, and a great workout when held for an extended time. This is also one of the first arm balances I have been working on. Thank you to our featured Yogi Nick for both his demonstration of Crow Pose and his tips for beginners!

Bonus Daily Asana Challenge

We are in the middle of a daily Asana practice challenge for September! Please see our Asana Styles page for links to YouTube videos for various Yoga Styles. For Tapas Day today, I recommend a vigorous Power Yoga class.

I usually practice with the Yoga Studio App rather than streaming services, so I can download my favorite classes and use in areas without WiFi or phone signal. Today I am doing a new Hip Hop Vinyasa.

Each Tapas day, we check in on our progress with the daily habits we have set for ourselves. It typically takes 30 Days to set a new habit (which is why I love these 30 Day Challenges!) so if you have kept up on your daily habit you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up.. perhaps it is time to add a new daily habit to your routine!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

As mentioned we are in a daily Asana Challenge, which I have kept up with by wearing workout clothes to bed and practicing first thing in the morning. I also have a daily habit of practicing French or Spanish with Duolingo… I am pretty pleased with myself to be on my way to two years of practice!

Today’s Positive Practice suggestion

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to try Crow Pose for Tapas Day! This pose is challenging, but is one of the first Arm Balances many Yogis (including myself) want to add to their practice.

If you would prefer an off-the-mat practice for Tapas Day – set or check-in on a meaningful daily habit!

Bakasana – Crow Pose

Bakasana - Crow Pose - yoga pose yoga guy wearing gray and black black doing yoga outside in a grassy yard
Bakasana – Crow Pose

Start sitting on your heels in a kneeling position. Move into a wide squat in Malasana with feet slightly wider than your shoulders.

Bring your torso forward between your knees and place your palms on the mat a bit wider than shoulder width with fingers spread wide. You can keep your arms straight for the traditional version of this pose, or bend your elbows to make a shelf if easier. Bring your knees close to your arms and lift your hips, coming onto your toes.

Slowly lean forward as you engage your core, allowing your feet to lift from the floor. Pause here if you are comfortable. Or, to come into the full expression of the pose, try to bring your knees to your armpits as you draw your heels up towards your seat and round your spine.

PS if you are worried about face-planting, put a block under your forehead!

Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds. To come out, slowly lower your feet to the mat, and press back into Child’s Pose.

YOGA TEACHERS – see more on Tummee

PS If you are comfortable with variations of these poses, please tag us with your pictures on Instagram!

Next INTRO CHALLENGE October 2023


More Positive Practices

Missed yesterday’s post? Read it here!

Share your Practice

Please comment to share your experience! Have you tried Bakasana or the more advanced variation like Flying Crane before? Always remember, be kind!

Tapas (Discipline) – August 2022 Yoga Challenge

Happy Wednesday Yogis! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. If you just completed our challe,get this is your second Tapas or discipline Day! Our intro Tapas Day, we made a goal that was important to us. Each Tapas Day, we checked in on our progress. It has been nearly a month and a half since our last Tapas Day, so if you are a new Yogi and have kept up on your daily habit, you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

PS I want to report back on my Duolingo Daily Habit.. I have kept up with this goal and I am currently just past 600 🙂 I am extra motivated by my two friends who also have this as their daily habit, and coming up on 2 years and 400 days in a row!

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to check in with your daily habits, and get some exercise for Tapas Day and Work Out Wednesday. We are starting an advanced Asana-focused month in a couple of days, so I am doing extra strength work to prep! If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge!

I am also going to do a couple of our past Yoga Workouts today – Crab / Boat for Core and Glutes, and Upward Plank Holds for Glutes.

close-up shot of bright green tree with small green buds- tapas self-discipline motivation Quote: The satisfaction of seeing the incremental gains, through discipline alone, gives inspiration to apply the same methods in other areas of your life. - Keith Hill Jr.
The satisfaction of seeing the incremental gains, through discipline alone, gives inspiration to apply the same methods in other areas of your life. – Keith Hill Jr.

Want more Yoga Workout Ideas?
Check our Yoga Workouts Board On Pinterest!

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This page contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your daily habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Always remember, be kind!

August 2022 Yoga Challenge: Tapas (Discipline)

Doing our 30 Day Challenge? Click here for today’s post!

close-up shot of bright green plant seedling sprouting in rock - tapas self-discipline motivation Quote: By constant self-discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character. - Grenville Kleiser
By constant self-discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character. – Grenville Kleiser

Good Morning Yogis! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. We have had quite a few Tapas or discipline Days. Our intro Tapas Day, we made a goal that was important to us. Each Tapas day, we check in on our progress. If you joined us on our last intro challenge in January, it has been nearly four months, so if you have kept up on your daily habit you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the electronic and visual reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success!

Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days. PS I want to report I am about to complete 300 days in a row for my Duolingo daily habit!

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to monitor our daily habit goals, and set a new one if needed. If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge! There are many free Apps for 30 Day Challenge workouts. My favorite is a free app called 30 Day Butt, which allows the pop-up phone notifications I love so much. We are in the middle of an Intro Challenge this month, which we will do again in couple months. We had an April daily Asana challenge, and a daily meditation challenge for June – these are great Daily Yoga Practices to integrate into your morning routine! If none of these resonate with you, please pick a habit that is meaningful to you to add to your life. Today is Monday so channel some Motivation Monday energy, and select a daily habit that will really motivate and inspire you to stick with it! Most recently, I have quit my exercise app, and have been consistently squatting with weights. I am also about to reach

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This page contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Get the Daily Yogi App – Get quick access to
today’s practice and daily pop-up reminders!

Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your new habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Always remember, be kind!

Tapas (Discipline) – Meditation June 2022

Happy June 18, 2022 – Tapas (Discipline)

Good Morning Yogis! Today is Tapas or Discipline Day! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. This is our third Tapas or Discipline Day since the last intro challenge. On our first/intro Tapas Day, we made a goal that was important to us, and we have checked on our progress and/or made new goals each Tapas Day. If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge or app reminders!

Bonus Daily Meditation Challenge

We are in the middle of a bonus Daily Meditation Challenge for June! For Tapas day today, try a Morning Motivation Guided Meditation.

Discipline vs Motivation

Now, we are going to have a bit of tough love here. We are nearly half way through the year and have had quite a few Tapas Days.. if you have not kept up with your habit from our first day, we really need to be honest with ourselves. If you have always wanted to speak French but it just is not happening for you.. you need to put in the time and effort to learn French! You will never just magically wake up one day with your dream at your feet, you need to put in the work. You can sign up for classes at a local community college or adult education center, get a free language app (this is my daily practice – I am on a streak of over 550 days! follow me @TarrynTyler), get an audio-course to learn on your commute, maybe all three, whatever works for you! Thomas Edison said “Success is 10% Inspiration and 90% Perspiration” and I also enjoy articles on Discipline over Motivation. I do best with sticking to my goals by planning them for first thing in the morning. If you cannot make mornings work, plan it into your day like a doctors appointment or other meeting you cannot miss – put it on your calendar, set alarms and reminders, etc. DO IT!
PS building discipline is hard at first, but if you keep at it, it WILL get easier!

Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

bright blue alpine creek bordered by snowy river banks and pine trees - tapas self-discipline motivation Quote: Discipline not desire determines your destiny. - Anonymous
Discipline not desire determines your destiny. – Anonymous

Today’s Positive Practice suggestion

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to monitor our daily habit goals, and set a new one if needed. If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge! There are many free Apps for 30 Day Challenge workouts. My favorite is a free app called 30 Day Butt, which allows the pop-up phone notifications I love so much. We are also starting our intro Challenge again soon – 30 Day Yoga Challenge of Intro Philosophy, Poses & Positivity.

Want more Tapas practices? Check out our Tapas Guide!

Next INTRO CHALLENGE October 2023


More Positive Practices

Missed yesterday’s post? Read it here!

Related Positive Practices

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Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your new habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Always remember, be kind!

Meditation June 2022: Tapas (Discipline)

Happy June 1, 2022 – Tapas (Discipline)

Happy Wednesday Yogis! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. This is almost our 10th Tapas or discipline Day! Our intro Tapas Day, we made a goal that was important to us. Each Tapas Day, we checked in on our progress. It has been nearly a month and a half since our last Tapas Day, so if you are a new Yogi and have kept up on your daily habit, you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

PS I want to report back on my Duolingo Daily Habit.. I have kept up with this goal and I am currently close to 600 🙂 I am extra motivated by my two friends who also have this as their daily habit, and coming up on 2 years and 500 days in a row!

Bonus Daily Meditation Challenge

We are in the middle of a bonus Daily Meditation Challenge for June! For Tapas day today, try a Morning Motivation Guided Meditation.

Today’s Positive Practice suggestion

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to get some exercise for Tapas Day and Work Out Wednesday. If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge!

I am also going to do a couple of our past Yoga Workouts today – Crab / Boat for Core and Glutes, and Upward Plank Holds for Glutes.

cool perspective bright blue water on rocky shoreline - tapas discipline motivation self-discipline Quote: For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories. - Plato
For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories. – Plato

Want more Yoga Workout Ideas?
Check our Yoga Workouts Board On Pinterest!

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This page contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

More Positive Practices

Missed yesterday’s post? Read it here!

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Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your daily habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Always remember, be kind!

May 2022 Yoga Challenge: Tapas (Discipline)

Happy May 9, 2022 – Tapas (Discipline)

Good Morning Yogis! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. We have had quite a few Tapas or discipline Days. Our intro Tapas Day, we made a goal that was important to us. Each Tapas day, we check in on our progress.

30 Day Challengers

Doing our 30 Day Challenge? Click here for today’s post!

bright pink and purple flowers in garden with palm tree centerpiece and multicolored flowering bushes - tapas discipline self-disipline motivation Quote - Learn to convert the discomfort of discipline into the satisfaction of personal growth. - Tony Robbins
Learn to convert the discomfort of discipline into the satisfaction of personal growth. – Tony Robbins

If you joined us on our last intro challenge in January, it has been nearly four months, so if you have kept up on your daily habit you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the electronic and visual reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success!

Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days. PS I want to report I recently completed 225 days in a row for my Duolingo daily habit!

Today’s Positive Practice suggestion

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to monitor our daily habit goals, and set a new one if needed. If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge! There are many free Apps for 30 Day Challenge workouts. My favorite is a free app called 30 Day Butt, which allows the pop-up phone notifications I love so much. We are in the middle of an Intro Challenge for May, which we will do again in couple months. We had an April daily Asana challenge, and a daily meditation challenge for March – these are great Daily Yoga Practices to integrate into your morning routine! If none of these resonate with you, please pick a habit that is meaningful to you to add to your life. Today is Monday so channel some Motivation Monday energy, and select a daily habit that will really motivate and inspire you to stick with it! Most recently, I have quit my exercise app, and have been consistently squatting with weights. I am also about to reach

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This page contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Get the Daily Yogi App – Get quick access to
today’s practice and daily pop-up reminders!

More Positive Practices

Missed yesterday’s post? Read it here!

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Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your new habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Always remember, be kind!

Asana April 2022: Tapas (Discipline) – Utkatasana (Powerful / Chair Pose)

Happy Asana April 15, 2022 – Tapas (Discipline) – Powerful / Chair Pose

Good morning Yogis! We are continuing our cycle through the Yoga Sutras and representative Asanas with the third of the NiyamasTapas or Discipline and Utkatasana.

Since we are in the middle of an April Asana Challenge, we are featuring a new Asana that represents each of the Yoga Sutras! Utkatasana (oot-kah-TA-sa-nuh) or Chair pose is my choice to represent Tapas. This is a challenging pose, and a great workout when held for an extended time. The literal translation from Sanskrit is Powerful or Intense Pose. If you hold this Asana for a full minute, I am sure you will feel why this pose was named “Intense”!

Bonus Daily Asana Challenge

We are in the middle of a daily Asana practice challenge for April! Please see our Asana Styles page for links to YouTube videos for various Yoga Styles. For Tapas Day today, I recommend a vigorous Power Yoga class.

I usually practice with the Yoga Studio App rather than streaming services, so I can download my favorite classes and use in areas without WiFi or phone signal. Today I am doing a new Hip Hop Vinyasa.

Each Tapas day, we check in on our progress with the daily habits we have set for ourselves. It typically takes 30 Days to set a new habit (which is why I love these 30 Day Challenges!) so if you have kept up on your daily habit you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up.. perhaps it is time to add a new daily habit to your routine!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

As mentioned we are in a daily Asana Challenge, which I have kept up with by wearing workout clothes to bed and practicing first thing in the morning. I also have a daily habit of practicing French or Spanish with Duolingo… I am pretty pleased with myself recently passing a 200 Day Streak! I have missed fewer than 20 days in all of 2020, but there is just something very rewarding about the increasing number of days in a row. And, lastly, this daily Asana Challenge has helped put me on the right path to meet another goal – hitting all three rings on my Apple Watch.

Today’s Positive Practice suggestion

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to try Chair Pose for Tapas Day! This pose is common in all styles and levels of Yoga. It is a great alternative to backbends to stretch thighs and back, and is a fantastic workout for legs and glutes when held for 30-60 seconds!

For an off-the-mat practice for Tapas Day – set or check-in on a meaningful daily habit!

Utkatasana – Chair or Powerful Pose

Utkatasana - powerful chair pose - yoga pose girl sunny day yoga on the beach
Utkatasana – Chair Pose

Start standing in Tadasana / Mountain Pose. Separate your feet to about hip-distance apart.

Inhale and lift your arms above your head, palms facing in, and sit your hips back as if you are sitting back in a chair. Keep your shoulders down and back straight, and try to get your thighs as close to parallel to the ground as possible. It is more important to have a straight back than to “sit” lower into your chair. Look up between your hands if comfortable.

Take deep breaths into your belly (perhaps try Vilona Pranayama) and hold this pose for at least 3-5 full breaths. I recommend playing with weight in your feet a bit through this pose – generally you should keep all weight in your heels. Perhaps try lifting your toes slightly from the mat! Or, shift your weight into the balls of your feet, and try lifting your heels slightly from the mat, preparing for more advanced variations of this pose like Awkward Pose (a Hot Yoga favorite) and Drinking Bird Pose. Or, try placing a block between your knees for an even more challenging lower-body workout!

To come out of Utkatasana, inhale and straighten your knees back to Tadasana / Mountain Pose, then exhale and lower your arms – you may want to come all the way forward into Uttanasana / Standing Forward Fold to counter this pose after holding for a long time.

Utkatasana - powerful chair pose variation - yoga pose girl sunny day yoga on the beach
Utkatasana with toes lifted

PS If you are comfortable with variations of these poses, please tag us with your pictures on Instagram!

Want more Tapas practices? Check out our Tapas Guide!

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This page contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Next INTRO CHALLENGE October 2023


More for Yoga Teachers

YOGA TEACHERS – see more on Tummee

More Positive Practices

Missed yesterday’s post? Read it here!

Related Positive Practices

Share your Practice

Please comment to share your experience! Have you tried Utkatasana or the more advanced variations before? Always remember, be kind!

Meditation March 2022: Tapas (Discipline)

Happy Meditation March 23, 2022 – Tapas (Discipline)

Good Morning Yogis! Today is Tapas or Discipline Day! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. This is our third Tapas Day. On our first/intro Tapas Day, we made a goal that was important to us, and we have checked on our progress and/or made new goals each Tapas Day. If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge!

cool perspective close-up shady green clover near bright green leavy shrubs - tapas self-discipline daily habits change Quote: Very often, a change of self is needed more than a change of scene. - A.C. Benson
Very often, a change of self is needed more than a change of scene. – A.C. Benson

Bonus Daily Meditation Challenge

We are in the middle of a bonus Daily Meditation Challenge for March! For Tapas day today, try a Morning Motivation Guided Meditation.

Discipline Vs Motivation

Now, we are going to have a bit of tough love here. This is likely not your first Tapas Day.. if you have not kept up with your habit from our first day, we really need to be honest with ourselves.

If you have always wanted to speak French but it just is not happening for you.. you need to put in the time and effort to learn French! You will never just magically wake up one day with your dream at your feet, you need to put in the work. You can sign up for classes at a local community college or adult education center, get a free language app, get an audio-course to learn on your commute, maybe all three, whatever works for you!

Thomas Edison said “Success is 10% Inspiration and 90% Perspiration” and I also enjoy articles on Discipline over Motivation. I do best with sticking to my goals by planning them for first thing in the morning. If you cannot make mornings work, plan it into your day like a doctors appointment or other meeting you cannot miss – put it on your calendar, set alarms and reminders, etc. DO IT!
PS building discipline is hard at first, but if you keep at it, it WILL get easier!

Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

Today’s Positive Practice suggestion

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to monitor our daily habit goals, and set a new one if needed. If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge!

Want more Tapas practices? Check out our Tapas Guide!

Next INTRO CHALLENGE October 2023


More Positive Practices

Missed yesterday’s post? Read it here!

Related Positive Practices

Share your Practice

Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your new habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Always remember, be kind!

Tapas (Discipline) – Meditation March 2022

Happy Meditation March 8, 2022 – Tapas (Discipline)

Good Morning Yogis! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. This is our third Tapas or discipline Day of 2022! Our intro Tapas Day, we made a goal that was important to us. Each Tapas Day, we checked in on our progress.

Tapas Daily Habit Check-In

It has been nearly a month and a half since our last Tapas Day, so if you are a new Yogi and have kept up on your daily habit, you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

PS I want to report back on my Duolingo Daily Habit.. I have kept up with this goal and I am about to reach my now 500 Day goal! I am extra motivated by my two friends who also have this as their daily habit, and coming up on 2 years and 250 days in a row!

cool perspective looking out airplane window at city lights in dark sky - tapas self-discipline daily habits Quote: Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill

Bonus Daily Meditation Challenge

If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge! We are in the middle of a bonus Daily Meditation Challenge for March! For Tapas day today, try a Morning Motivation Guided Meditation.

Today’s Positive Practice suggestion

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to monitor our daily habit goals, and set a new one if needed. If you want to get an extra Yoga Workout for Tapas Day, I recommend Tiger Crunches – a great Ab and Glute workout!

Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

Want more Tapas practices? Check out our Tapas Guide!

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This page contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

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More Positive Practices

Missed yesterday’s post? Read it here!

Share your Practice

Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your new habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Is there another 30 Day Challenge theme you would like us to try? Always remember, be kind!

Tapas (Discipline) – February 2022

Happy February 2, 2022 – Tapas (Discipline)

Happy Wednesday Yogis! Today is Tapas (Discipline) Day!

Groundhog Day

Today is also Groundhog Day in the US and Canada. This is a very amusing holiday, where we make weather predictions about spring’s return by pulling a rodent out of the ground. My absolute favorite part about this holiday is the comedy movie, Groundhog Day about a reporter covering this quirky holiday.

Daily Habit Check-in

We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. Today is our second Tapas or discipline Day of 2022! Our intro Tapas Day, we made a goal that was important to us. Each Tapas Day, we checked in on our progress. It has been nearly a month since our last Tapas Day, so if you are a new Yogi and have kept up on your daily habit, you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

PS I want to report back on my Duolingo Daily Habit.. I have kept up with this goal and I am currently close to 475, going for 500 🙂 I am extra motivated by my childhood friends who also have this as their daily habit, and have just hit 6 months and 700 days in a row! Feel free to add me on Duolingo @TarrynTyler.

garden water feature surrouded by purple and fuscia flowers among green trees under blue sky - tapas self-discipline daily habits Quote: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle

Today’s Positive Practice suggestion

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to get some exercise for Tapas Day and Work Out Wednesday. If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge! There are many free Apps for other 30 Day Challenge workouts. My favorite is a free app called 30 Day Butt, which allows the pop-up phone notifications I love so much.

I am also going to do a couple of our past Yoga Workouts today – Crab / Boat for Core and Glutes, and Upward Plank Holds for Glutes.

Want more Tapas practices? Check out our Tapas Guide!

Want more Yoga Workout Ideas?
Check our Yoga Workouts Board On Pinterest!

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This page contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Share your Practice

Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your daily habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Are you joining us with our Asana Challenge? Always remember, be kind!

More Positive Practices

Missed yesterday’s post? Read it here!

January 2022 30 Day Challenge: Day 8 – Tapas (Discipline)

Happy January 10, 2022 – Tapas (Discipline)

Good Morning Yogis! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day.

30 Day Challengers

Doing our 30 Day Challenge? Click here for today’s post!

cool shot of sunlit orange clouds over darkened pine trees in epic snowy alpine sunset - tapas self-discipline change self-improvement Quote: Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. - Billy Cox
Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. – Billy Cox

We have had quite a few Tapas or discipline Days. Our intro Tapas day, we made a goal that was important to us. Each Tapas day, we check in on our progress. If you joined us on our last intro challenge in November, it has been nearly two months, so if you have kept up on your daily habit you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the electronic and visual reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success!

Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days. PS I want to report I just completed 425 days in a row for my Duolingo daily habit, and completed the new Diamond League over the holidays! Follow me on Duolingo @TarrynTyler 🙂

Today’s Positive Practice suggestion

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to monitor our daily habit goals, and set a new one if needed. Evaluate the electronic and visual reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge! There are many free Apps for 30 Day Challenge workouts. My favorite is a free app called 30 Day Butt, which allows the pop-up phone notifications I love so much. We are in the middle of an Intro Challenge for January, which we will do again in couple months. We had a September daily Asana challenge, and a daily meditation challenge for October – these are great Daily Yoga Practices to integrate into your morning routine! If none of these resonate with you, please pick a habit that is meaningful to you to add to your life. Today is Monday so channel some Motivation Monday energy, and select a daily habit that will really motivate and inspire you to stick with it!

Want more Tapas practices? Check out our Tapas Guide!

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This page contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Get the Daily Yogi App – Get quick access to
today’s practice and daily pop-up reminders!

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Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your new habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Always remember, be kind!

More Positive Practices

Missed yesterday’s post? Read it here!

Tapas (Discipline) – December Holiday Yamas Month

Happy Wednesday Yogis! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. This is our 15th Tapas or discipline Day for 2021! Our intro Tapas Day, we made a goal that was important to us. Each Tapas Day, we checked in on our progress. It has been nearly a month since our last Tapas Day, so if you are a new Yogi and have kept up on your daily habit, you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

PS I want to report back on my Duolingo Daily Habit.. I have kept up with this goal and I am currently on over a year long streak, going for 500 🙂

This December we are going to have a special Yamas / Interpersonal Ethics focused month. December is the holiday season for many worldwide nations, cultures, and religions, so this ties in with most other holiday seasons our Yogis may celebrate. I will continue my research through the month and tie in our practices with world holidays if they tie in with our daily practices… please contact me if you have any requests or suggestions!

cool shot of orange and blue sunset over darkened pine trees in epic alpine valley - tapas self-discipline positivity Quote: Discipline yourself to find something positive in every situation every day. You attract positivity when you are positive within. - Brian Tracey
Discipline yourself to find something positive in every situation every day. You attract positivity when you are positive within. – Brian Tracey

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to check in on our daily habits. Additionally, I recommend either getting some exercise for Tapas Day and Work Out Wednesday, or setting a Yamas-focused goal for the month of December. If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge! There are many free Apps for other 30 Day Challenge workouts. My favorite is a free app called 30 Day Butt, which allows the pop-up phone notifications I love so much.

I love resolutions, and am setting positive thinking and focus on gratitude resolution for the month of December, to align with our Yamas holiday month.

Nearly all holidays this month involve feasting, so we will start the month with a work out! If you eat more calories you should burn more calories, and I love holiday treats, so I am preparing for the holiday season with burning more calories – getting extra exercise!

I am also going to do a couple of our past Yoga Workouts today – Tiger Crunches for Core and Glutes, and Upward Plank Holds for Glutes.

Vyaghrasana - tiger pose - yoga pose girl wearing platform black high heels and tiger dress, yoga in the forest, sexy yoga girl with art effect
Vyaghrasana – Tiger Pose

Want more Yoga Workout Ideas?
Check our Yoga Workouts Board On Pinterest!

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This page contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your daily habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Always remember, be kind!

Tapas (Discipline) – November 2021 Challenge: Day 8

Doing our 30 Day Challenge? Click here for today’s post!

cool shot of sunlit orange clouds over darkened pine trees in epic alpine sunset - tapas self-discipline daily habits Quote: Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. - Robert Collier
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. – Robert Collier

Good Morning Yogis! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. Today is Tapas or discipline Day. Our intro Tapas day, we made a goal that was important to us. Our second day, we checked in on our progress. There are many recommendations on how to best instill a new habit, but the average opinion is this usually takes at least 30 days. If you started with us on a challenge in a past month and you have kept up on your daily habit, you have likely successfully formed a new habit! Congratulations, keep it up!! If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the electronic and visual reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success!

It has been a little more than 11 months since our first Tapas Day for the year, and I would say I have successfully formed my new habit of daily Duolingo language practice… I just recently hit a one year 365 day streak! You can follow my Duolingo @TarrynTyler I have moved on testing daily Asana and Meditation habits.

Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to monitor our daily habit goals, and set a new one if needed. If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge! There are many free Apps for 30 Day Challenge workouts. My favorite is a free app called 30 Day Butt, which allows the pop-up phone notifications I love so much. We are in the middle of an Intro Challenge for November, which we will do again in January. We had a September daily Asana challenge, and a daily meditation challenge for October – these are great Daily Yoga Practices to integrate into your morning routine! If none of these resonate with you, please pick a habit that is meaningful to you to add to your life.

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This page contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, may earn me a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Get the Daily Yogi App – Get quick access to
today’s practice and daily pop-up reminders!

Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your new habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Always remember, be kind!

Tapas (Discipline) – October 2021: Day 2

Good Morning Yogis! Today is Tapas or Discipline Day! We are continuing on with weaving practice of each of the Niyamas into our day. This is our third Tapas or Discipline Day. On our first/intro Tapas Day, we made a goal that was important to us, and we have checked on our progress and/or made new goals each Tapas Day. If you have not kept up, examine why you did not, and consider if you want to keep this goal or set a new one. Evaluate the reminders and/or rewards you set for yourself, and perhaps modify these systems to ensure your success! If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge!


We are in the middle of a bonus Daily Meditation Challenge for October! For Tapas day today, try a Morning Motivation Guided Meditation.

Now, we are going to have a bit of tough love here. This is now our eighth Tapas Day.. if you have not kept up with your habit from our first day, we really need to be honest with ourselves. If you have always wanted to speak French but it just is not happening for you.. you need to put in the time and effort to learn French! You will never just magically wake up one day with your dream at your feet, you need to put in the work. You can sign up for classes at a local community college or adult education center, get a free language app, get an audio-course to learn on your commute, maybe all three, whatever works for you! Thomas Edison said “Success is 10% Inspiration and 90% Perspiration” and I also enjoy articles on Discipline over Motivation. I do best with sticking to my goals by planning them for first thing in the morning. If you cannot make mornings work, plan it into your day like a doctors appointment or other meeting you cannot miss – put it on your calendar, set alarms and reminders, etc. DO IT!
PS building discipline is hard at first, but if you keep at it, it WILL get easier!

Yoga is a practice, and successfully changing our habits is about consistency, so we will keep checking in on our goals on Tapas Days.

cool shot of sun coming through darkened pine trees in the snow - tapas self-discipline motivation Quote: The fact is, discipline is only punishment when imposed on you by someone else. When you discipline yourself, it's not punishment but empowerment. - Les Brown
The fact is, discipline is only punishment when imposed on you by someone else. When you discipline yourself, it’s not punishment but empowerment. – Les Brown

Today’s Daily Yogi Practice is to monitor our daily habit goals, and set a new one if needed. If you are having a hard time keeping up with the daily habits you have set for yourself, consider trying and sticking with a 30 Day Challenge! There are many free Apps for 30 Day Challenge workouts. My favorite is a free app called 30 Day Butt, which allows the pop-up phone notifications I love so much. We are also starting our intro Challenge 11/01 – 30 Day Yoga Challenge of Intro Philosophy, Poses & Positivity. Register and find our Current Challenge Group if you would like to join!

Next INTRO CHALLENGE October 2023


Please comment and share how you are doing. Have you kept up with your new habit? Are you changing your systems or perhaps setting a new meaningful goal? Always remember, be kind!